On Monday, the Delhi High Court criticized the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) for delays in presenting Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) reports in the Assembly. The court questioned the government’s intent: “The way you have dragged your feet raises doubts about your bona fides.”
A bench led by Justice Sachin Datta took issue with the Delhi Government’s handling of the matter. The court emphasized the reports should have been promptly forwarded to the Speaker and discussed in the Assembly. It observed, “The timeline is clear; you’ve delayed to prevent the session from happening.”
The Delhi Government argued that elections were imminent, making it difficult to convene a session. However, the court remained unconvinced, highlighting the importance of timely accountability.
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The matter arose from a petition filed by seven BJP MLAs. They demanded a special Assembly session to table 14 CAG reports on city administration. Advocate Vijender Gupta, representing the MLAs, argued it was the members’ right to debate these reports before the Assembly’s term ends in February.
The Delhi Assembly Secretariat, however, claimed tabling the reports now would serve no purpose. The government also labelled the petition politically motivated and expressed plans to file a counter-affidavit.
The court clarified it could not issue immediate directions to the Speaker. Instead, it stressed the need for a detailed hearing, which will continue later today.
This issue has sparked a debate over government accountability and the potential political motives behind the delays. With elections looming, the court’s final decision could have significant implications.
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