Bharat Express

S. Jaishankar: India Wishes To Have Excellent Neighbourly Ties With Everyone

S. Jaishankar On Neighbourly Ties

S. Jaishankar On Neighbourly Ties

S. Jaishankar spoke with the Indian community in Cyprus on Friday, the minister of external affairs, conveyed a severe warning to Pakistan and China.

The foreign minister S. Jaishankar made a subtle jab without mentioning Pakistan that while India wishes to have excellent neighbourly ties with everyone, that does not entail “excusing” terrorism. S. Jaishankar stated that regarding border disputes with China, India will never consent to any attempt to unilaterally modify the Line of Actual Control.

The conflict between Indian and Chinese forces on December 9 in the Tawang area of Arunachal Pradesh.

The government responded to the Chinese forces appropriately by claiming that there were no casualties on the Indian side. Meanwhile, India and Pakistan engaged in verbal sparring at the UN on the subject of terrorism.

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S. Jaishankar On Terrorism

“We have experienced the greatest amount of terrorism-related suffering of any nation, and we have made it quite clear that we will never tolerate or normalise it.

No amount of terrorism will ever persuade us to enter into talks. With everyone, we wish to have excellent neighbourly relations, but it does not imply we should excuse, ignore, or justify terrorism. stating that we are absolutely certain “Speaking in Cyprus, Jaishankar

“Our borders are obviously the second. During the Covid era, the difficulties got worse. You are all aware that our ties with China are not normal at the moment because we will not let any attempt to unilaterally shift the Line of Actual Control “Jaishankar furthered.

According to Jaishankar, India is sending a clear message over national security. “Regarding diplomacy, I can say that at the moment, there is a lot of anticipation for India since it is viewed as a country with a robust economy that would exacerbate the issues.

Additionally, people view us as a nation that is brave enough to stand up and be independent. Furthermore, a nation that may host extremely diverse nations that cannot coexist, “Jaishankar said.