Dmitry Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of Russia’s Security Council, issued a stark warning on his Telegram channel, signaling that Russia’s patience with Western actions in Ukraine is running out. Medvedev emphasized that while “a nuclear conflict is in no one’s interest,” Russia has so far restrained itself from using its nuclear capabilities in response to Western involvement, particularly concerning high-precision strikes into Russian territory. He cautioned that “even the greatest patience has its limits.”
Medvedev’s warning follows recent U.S. discussions about supplying Army Tactical Missile Systems to Ukraine. These systems could potentially enable Ukraine to conduct strikes deeper into Russian territory, according to Xinhua news agency.
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Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov echoed concerns, stating that Western leaders have already decided to allow Ukraine the use of long-range missiles and have communicated this to Kyiv. This, Ryabkov argued, forces Moscow to prepare for its own responses. “The decision has been made, the carte blanche and all indulgences have been given (to Kyiv), so we are ready for everything,” Ryabkov told the state-owned RIA news agency.
The Kremlin has also acknowledged the growing threat, with spokesperson Dmitry Peskov indicating that Russia is actively preparing countermeasures in response to the escalating situation.
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