The Allahabad High Court has summoned a personal affidavit from the Principal Secretary of the UP Forest Department. This action comes after the department failed to comply with a court order from December 7, 2023. The court is considering contempt proceedings against officials for not following the directive. The next hearing is set for October 24.
Justice Prakash Padia issued this order during a hearing related to Vijay Kumar Srivastava, a daily wage worker in the Gorakhpur Forest Department. Advocate Pankaj Srivastava argued that the government deliberately ignored the order. He stated that both the Supreme Court and High Court have issued clear instructions that remain unheeded.
The court had previously mandated the formation of a committee, chaired by the Additional Chief Secretary, to create a transparent policy for daily wage workers within 30 days.
On September 3, 2024, Additional Advocate General Ashok Mehta assured the court that the government would draft the policy and submit an affidavit within three weeks. Meanwhile, Vikas Yadav, Divisional Forest Officer, Gorakhpur, mentioned that creating a policy for daily wage employees with ten to twenty years of service would take time. He stated that guidelines were issued on September 24, including a directive for ₹18,000 monthly payments for employees with at least ten years of service.
The court noted the lack of information about employees with less than ten years of service. It criticized the delay in forming the committee and highlighted the disregard for the court’s order, prompting the call for a personal affidavit from the Chief Secretary.
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