The special court of Prayagraj has announced its verdict in Umesh Pal’s murder case. The court has announced lifetime imprisonment for the gangster-turned-minister. Atiq Ahmed reached the Prayagraj Jail yesterday morning after a thrilling journey of 24 hours and 13,000 kilometers. During the entire journey, there was a kind of constant fear in his heart as he believed that the police van might overturn. The van did meet with an accident but Atiq was safe.
He was allegedly involved in the murder of Raju Pal, who was shot dead in 2005. The gangster and his aides allegedly took Umesh Pal away in 2006. They forced him to give a court statement in favor of them.
Umesh Pal was a key witness in the Raju Pal murder case. He lodged a police case against the gangster and his allies and the case was going on.
After some time, Umesh pal was killed in front of his house in Prayagraj on February 24. After the death of her husband, Umesh’s wife filed a complaint against Atiq, his brother Ashraf, his wife Shaista Parveen, two sons, and 11 others.
Two men, Arbaaz and Vijay who were allegedly linked to Umesh Pal’s murder were killed in a police encounter on February 27 and March 6.
Also Read: Special Court To Announce Verdict As Atiq Ahmed Reaches Prayagraj Jail
Atiq has around 100 cases lodged against his name. The history starts from as far as 1985. Out of those 100, around 50 cases are still running in different courts. He has got acquittal in about 12 others, while 2 cases are withdrawn which were filed against him.
His brother is nowhere lacking in the number of cases. He has 53 cases against his name. out of those, he is only acquitted from 1 and the other 52 are still under trial in the court. Surprisingly, his wife has 4 cases filed against her
Atiq’s sons are following the family legacy as they have 8 cases running against them. Seven of them are still under trial.
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