A tragic incident occurred on Sunday in Nagpur, where Gajanan Karale, a 42-year-old lecturer at GS College of Commerce, took his own life at his residence in Narendra Nagar. Prior to his suicide, Gajanan expressed to his kin that he felt his life was in danger. He also left behind a 14-page suicide note in the refrigerator, indicating that his decision was influenced by the harassment he endured from certain faculty members.
According to the officials, Gajanan Janraoji Karade had been teaching Hindi to students in classes 11 and 12 for the past 12 years. On Sunday evening, while his wife was away in Amravati, he tragically hanged himself using a saree tied to a ceiling fan.
Gajanan’s family revealed that he had been experiencing significant stress and frequently spoke about the harassment he faced from college management and some professors. Before taking his life, he contacted his brother-in-law and confided in him, expressing his fear of potential attacks by unidentified individuals. He also informed him that he had documented everything in a diary kept in the refrigerator, urging his brother-in-law to take action if anything were to happen to him.
During the incident, Gajanan’s wife and brother-in-law were attending a relative’s wedding in Amravati. They hurried back to Nagpur where they discovered the lecturer’s body hanging from a ceiling fan, said the police.
An official from the Beltarodi police station confirmed that they have obtained Gajanan’s diary, which included the names of four colleagues who allegedly played a role in abetting him towards this tragic decision.
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