Two Class X girls have died after being run over by a train that was being operated as part of tests on a newly laid track in Madhya Pradesh’s Indore, prompting Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw to order an inquiry, an official said. Babli Masare and Radhika Bhaskar, both 17 years of age, died in Kailod Hala area on Thursday evening when a newly constructed track was being tested by running a train, an official release said.
Traditionally, luxury car brands like Mercedes-Benz have focused on India’s mega cities such as New…
Indian Railways marked achievement in development of USBRL by successfully conducting a trial run on…
CM Yogi Adityanath dedicated the newly inaugurated UP State Pavilion to Maha Kumbh visitors from…
On Friday, UP CM Yogi Adityanath unveiled the statue of former freedom fighter and social…
The Adani Foundation, in collaboration with the Shivpuri district administration, laid the foundation stone for…
During a recent visit to the Maha Kumbh, industrialist Gautam Adani described the event as…