National President of Suheldev Bharatiya Samaj Party, Om Prakash Rajbhar meets Union Home Minister Amit Shah in Delhi. Rajbhar says, “In the meeting, we discussed the current political situation in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, preparations for the Lok Sabha elections and the proposal for inclusion of Bhar/Rajbhar caste in the Scheduled Tribes.”
Ben-Gvir’s resignation leaves Netanyahu’s coalition with a fragile majority in the Knesset, Israel’s 120-member parliament.
India’s fiscal deficit is on track to shrink steadily, bolstered by rising tax revenues, according…
Vigilance officers averted major mishappening as the fire was averted quickly. However, the reason behind…
Kashmiri students making significant strides in AIM, demonstrating exceptional creativity and problem-solving skills in this…
Ahead of Republic Day, the police in Gautam Buddh Nagar have heightened security measures across…
PM Narendra Modi hailed the successful launch of India’s first private satellite constellation, 'Firefly,' by…