Silver prices on Monday fell by Rs 85 to Rs 74,345 per kilogram as participants reduced their bets. On the Multi Commodity Exchange, silver contracts for March delivery declined by Rs 85 or 0.11 per cent to Rs 74,345 per kg in a business turnover of 14,762 lots. Silver dropped 1.17 per cent to USD 24.09 per ounce in New York on Friday.
US President Donald Trump on Monday declared a national energy emergency in an executive order…
A complaint was lodged against former Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal in Patna Civil Court on…
Meghalaya CM Conrad Sangma officially launched the Early Child Development (ECD) Framework on Monday, a…
To enhance devotees' comfort at Maha Kumbh 2025, the Yogi government has introduced an online…
The temporary pipa bridges are crucial to the arrangements of the Maha Kumbh, serving as…
PM Narendra Modi congratulated US President Donald Trump on his second term, expressing hope for…