Tamil Nadu government has announced a holiday in schools and colleges of Chennai for the fifth day on Friday due to relief work in areas adversely affected by the Cyclone Michaung-induced rains. Several parts of Chennai and adjoining districts continue to grapple with water logging and a shortage of basic commodities. Over 20 people have been killed in rain-related incidents in the city. The state government has declared a holiday for schools and colleges in Thiruvallur district, too, on Friday.
The Union Cabinet has approved the extension of the National Health Mission (NHM) for another…
Indian companies have announced investments exceeding ₹32 lakh crore during the first nine months (April-December)…
PM Modi & leaders honored Balasaheb Thackeray’s legacy on his birth anniversary, celebrating his dedication…
Rohit Sharma's much-anticipated comeback to the Ranji Trophy ended in disappointment as he managed just…
On Thursday, PM Modi announced an increase in the MSP of raw jute for the…
PM Modi commemorated Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose's 127th birth anniversary, calling him a symbol of…