Prime Minister Narendra Modi launches and lays the foundation stone of projects related to the Broadcasting sector worth about Rs 250 crore. This includes the launch of the revamped DD Podhigai channel as DD Tamil; 12 Akashvani FM projects in 8 States; and 4 DD transmitters in Jammu and Kashmir. In addition, Prime Minister lays the foundation stone for 26 new FM transmitter Projects in 12 States.
The police recovered a .315-bore illegal firearm, one live cartridge, one spent cartridge, and a…
Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has reaffirmed that Israel reserves the right to resume fighting…
The Mumbai Police arrested Vijay Das, the main accused in the stabbing case involving actor…
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has welcomed the naming of the iconic Cultural Center in Jaffna…
In a historic move, both Tejashwi and Lalu were granted full authority over all major…
Adani Group has launched a new website,, dedicated to the ongoing Maha Kumbh in…