The Delhi High Court on Wednesday dismissed a petition by Neelam Azad, an accused arrested in the December 13 Parliament security breach case, seeking her release on ground that her police remand was illegal. A bench headed by Justice Suresh Kumar Kait said the petition was not maintainable. “Petitioner has already moved bail application before the trial court.Present petition is not maintainable and is dismissed accordingly,” the bench, also comprising Justice Manoj Jain said.
CM Yogi Adityanath's government has approved key connectivity projects to boost Uttar Pradesh's infrastructure for…
Several passengers were reportedly killed, and 30-40 others injured when passengers of the Pushpak Express,…
Under CM Yogi, Prayagraj has become a city of temples, offering pilgrims replicas of India's…
During Maha Kumbh, CM Yogi Adityanath's Cabinet approved transformative projects for Uttar Pradesh's development.
The Maharashtra government and Reliance Industries signed a monumental MoU worth ₹3.05 lakh crore at…
In a Cabinet meeting chaired by CM Yogi Adityanath, the UP govt approved 10 major…