On over Rs 200 crore cash recovered in the raid on Congress MP Dheeraj Sahu, Congress MP KC Venugopal says, “We have a clear stand, that it has nothing to do with the Congress party. Dheeraj Sahu himself will have to explain why such a seizure is being made from his house. The party is not associated with this at all. We saw weeks ago that a video has come out of a Union Minister’s son where he is talking about crores of rupees.”
On January 23, 2025, Sector 39 police conducted a check on Dadri Road at Shashi…
Delhi High Court has taken a significant step in the terror funding case against Baramulla…
The Supreme Court is set to hear a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) on January 24,…
The Delhi High Court granted permission to Sameer Mahendru, an accused in Delhi liquor scam…
In a significant development in the fake Special Leave Petition (SLP) case, a bench comprising…
BJP candidate Satish Upadhyay, contesting from the Malviya Nagar Assembly seat in Delhi, received a…