Tamil Nadu CM MK Stalin says, “Chennai Metrology Department forecasted heavy pouring on December 17 & 18 and they announced on December 16. The pour was extremely high than the Metrology Department’s prediction. This is historical rainfall. Even though we received the warning a bit late, the Tamil Nadu government took proper measures for rescue and relief.”
Parliament's Budget session starts Friday with 16 Bills, including Finance, Waqf, Banking, and Railways merger.
The Parliament’s Budget session began with President Droupadi Murmu addressing a joint sitting of both…
PM Narendra Modi arrived in Parliament today as the Budget session commenced. Several Union ministers,…
PM Narendra Modi expressed his deep sorrow over the tragic plane-helicopter collision in Washington DC,…
As the nation gears up for the Economic Survey and the Union Budget 2025-26, the…
The Special National Investigation Agency (NIA) court in Guwahati has sentenced two more individuals involved…