Anticipating an influx of pilgrims for Mahakumbh 2025, the Uttar Pradesh government, under Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, has launched a toll-free helpline for devotees arriving in Prayagraj by train. Operated by the Prayagraj Division Railway, the helpline (18004199139) will go live on November 1, offering real-time assistance on train schedules, station details, and ticket counters.
Alongside the helpline, a dedicated mobile app will be launched to provide pilgrims with easy access to essential details, including special trains, shelter locations, and event information. Available in Hindi, English, and other regional languages, the app aims to make Mahakumbh travel arrangements as smooth as possible.
With around 992 trains scheduled to run from nine stations in Prayagraj, the Railway Division is prioritizing a seamless travel experience. This new service is part of the Yogi government’s larger effort to ensure Mahakumbh 2025 is a memorable and hassle-free pilgrimage for millions of devotees.
Also Read: Yogi Govt Transforms Prayagraj For Maha Kumbh 2025 With Grand Vision And Major Upgrades
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