Following his triumph in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived late on Tuesday night at the BJP headquarters in Delhi. ‘Bharat Mata Ki Jai’ and ‘Jai Jagannath’ were his opening remarks. During his speech, he expressed gratitude to the populace for the election victory and added, “I am indebted to all the countrymen for this blessing.” It’s Bada Mangal today. The NDA will undoubtedly form the government for the third time in a row on this holy day.
“The countrymen have expressed full faith in the BJP and the NDA,” Prime Minister Modi stated. The largest democracy in the world has triumphed today. This is the triumph of steadfast adherence to the Indian Constitution. This is developed India’s pledge come to pass. The phrase “Saba Saath, Sabka Vikas” has won this battle. The Prime Minister also mentioned Nitish Kumar and former chief minister of Andhra Pradesh Chandrababu Naidu.
I’ll also extend my congratulations to the nation’s Election Commission: PM Modi gave the Election Commission high marks. “Brothers and sisters, this is the triumph of 140 crore Indians,” he declared. Today, I will also extend my congratulations to the nation’s Election Commission. With such efficiency, the Election Commission ran the biggest election ever. With about 100 million voters, one crore poll workers, and eleven lakh booths, the staff did a great job carrying out their jobs in the intense heat.”
“Nowhere in the world is an election comparable to ours.”
Prime Minister Modi stated: “Our security staff shown a fantastic sense of duty. Every Indian is pleased with the election system and legitimacy in their country. Nowhere in the world is an election comparable to ours. I would convey to the opinion leaders that democracy’s strength lies in its electoral process.”
Watch this video to listen to PM Modi’s full speech-
Also read: PM Modi On Election Results, Says, “People Have Trusted NDA For Third Time”
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