PM Modi launched the Vibrant Gujarat Summit in Gandhinagar, Gujarat today, January 10. During his address, the Prime Minister stated India’s aspirations, saying, “India has marked 75 years of independence and now aims to work on the goals that the country has set for the next 25 years. Our target is to make India a developed nation by the time we celebrate our 100th year of independence. These 25 years are India’s era of longevity. This inaugural Vibrant Gujarat Summit in this pivotal period amplifies its significance.”
Acknowledging the President of UAE’s participation, PM Modi expressed delight, remarking, “We are immensely pleased to welcome the President of UAE to this summit. His presence as the chief guest signifies the strengthening ties between India and UAE.”
Highlighting India’s global role, PM Modi asserted, “India is advancing as a global ally. Today, India assures the world that setting and achieving common goals is within our capabilities. India’s dedication to global welfare, its fidelity, efforts, and hard work contribute to a more secure and prosperous world.”
Emphasizing India’s economic trajectory, PM Modi noted, “Presently, India ranks as the fifth-largest global economy. A decade ago, we held the 11th position. Major agencies now project India to emerge among the top three economies soon. Let the world conduct its assessments, but I assure you this will be a reality.”
Mukesh Ambani, Chairman of Reliance Industries Limited, echoed admiration for PM Modi, stating, “When PM Modi speaks, the world listens. He is India’s most successful Prime Minister in history.”
Asserting Reliance’s roots, Ambani affirmed, “Reliance has been, is, and will forever be a Gujarati company. Over the past decade, Reliance has invested $150 billion in establishing world-class assets and capabilities across India, with Gujarat alone accounting for over a third of this investment. By 2047, Gujarat is projected to be a $3 trillion economy, and India is poised to achieve a $35 trillion economy, an inevitable progression.”
Also Read: Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit: Gautam Adani Offers ₹2 Lakh Crore Investment Plan In Gujarat
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