Prime Minister Narendra Modi officially entered the electoral fray once again, filing his nomination papers from the Varanasi Lok Sabha seat in Uttar Pradesh. Ahead of this significant moment, PM Modi partook in a deeply spiritual experience, conducting aarti at the Ganga Ghat amidst the reverberating chants of Vedic mantras at Dashashwamedh Ghat. Dressed in a traditional white kurta-pajama, alongside him was Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, who accompanied him to the Varanasi District Magistrate’s office where the nomination papers were submitted.
The atmosphere in Varanasi was electrifying, with an overwhelming display of enthusiasm among the locals for PM Modi. From singing songs to performing aarti, the residents expressed their adoration for their beloved leader in various heartfelt ways. The entire city seemed to be gripped by Modi fever, with crowds thronging the streets, rooftops, and balconies, eager to catch a glimpse of him. The fervor reached its pinnacle during the grand road show the day before, where PM Modi traversed through the city, greeted by thousands of supporters, including a remarkable contingent of over 5 thousand women walking alongside his vehicle.
The chants of ‘Har Har Mahadev’ and ‘Jai Shri Ram’ resonated throughout the route, underscoring the deep-rooted spiritual fervency that pervades Varanasi. The presence of Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and BJP state president Chaudhary Bhupendra Singh further amplified the aura of the occasion. As PM Modi filed his nomination papers, the anticipation for the upcoming elections, scheduled for June 1 as part of the seventh phase of the Lok Sabha polls, only intensified. In every nook and corner, the talk of PM Modi dominated conversations, reaffirming his unparalleled connection with the people of Varanasi.
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