At Bhagwan Parshuram Bhawan in Delhi’s Yamuna Vihar, the Virat Brahmin Mahasammelan was held today, August 27. Pandit Mahendra Singh Parashar is in charge of organizing the Brahmin Mahasammelan. Upendra Rai, Chairman, MD, and Editor-in-Chief of Bharat Express News Network, attended the programme. Pradhan Brahmin Samaj Sanstha gave him a warm welcome. He received the Lord Parshuram statue during this time.
Upendra Rai, the chairman of Bharat Express, lit the lamp to begin the program. Numerous dignitaries were present on the stage during this.
Also read: At The B20 Summit, Jaishankar Claims That The Global South Is “Reduced To Being a Consumer”
Let us tell you that the experiences of Upendra Rai, Chairman, MD, and Editor-in-Chief of ‘Bharat Express News Network, in his 25-year journalistic life are being seen through ‘News Channel’. Upendra Rai, chairman of the ‘Bharat Express news network, is trying to show ‘views less and news more’ to the audience. With the resolve of truth, boldness, and passion, the news channel Bharat Express brings to you the news world of the country, sports, and entertainment.
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