New Delhi: A team of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Tuesday detained two Delhi Police head constables for allegedly receiving a bribe of Rs 50000 from an e-rickshaw charging and parking contractor in the Mangolpuri district of the national capital. The arrested people have been named as Bhim and Akshay. Both are head constables in the Delhi Police and are presently posted at Mangolpuri Police Station.
CCTV footage from a CBI search in the Mangolpuri Police Station neighbourhood of Delhi on July 10 shows accused Head Constable Bheem Singh attempting to run before being apprehended. In a case involving bribery, the CBI has filed an FIR against two head constables.
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According to the CBI, a man who owns a business complained to them on July 10 about how much e-rickshaws were being charged at his store in Delhi’s LSC Market, K Block Mangolpuri. The man complained that Bhim, the head constable of the Mangolpuri Police Station, threatened to shut down his e-rikshaw charging business and take the e-rikshaws on July 7.
He is also accused of asking the complainant for a bribe of Rs 50,000 in exchange for allowing e-rickshaws to park and charge in front of his store. The CBI then decided to organise a raid in order to capture them while they were taking the money.
One of the accused Bhim attempted to leave during the CBI raid but was stopped by a CBI agent. A CCTV set up outside the police station recorded the entire episode, and the video footage is now going viral on social media.
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