Bareilly: In an unfortunate incident, two children met a tragic end after being hit by a train while trying to retrieve a kite stuck on a railway pole, as reported by the officials. The unfortunate incident occurred on Sunday evening, when the children identified as Faz (12) and Sajid (8) were attempting to retrieve a kit that was stuck on a railway pole between Maheshpur Atria, within the CB Ganj police station area, and Milak Rotha village, under the Qila police station area.
According to the officials, both children died on the spot.
Also Read: PM Modi Counters Allegations, Affirms Anti-Corruption Stance Ahead of LS Elections
The CB Ganj police station received information about the incident around 7 pm on Sunday evening, Inspector RPF Manoj Kumar said. He further added that train movement along that line has not been hampered. Additionally, legal action into the matter has been initiated, and the families of the deceased children have been informed.
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