A tragic incident unfolded at Delhi’s INA station as a 30-year-old man, identified as Ajitesh Singh, lost his life after jumping in front of a moving Metro train. The event occurred around 7 pm on Saturday, when Singh leaped onto the tracks in front of a Samaipur Badli-bound train from platform number 2, as reported by the police officials citing news agency PTI.
The CCTV footage from the Metro station captured the heartbreaking moment when Singh took his own life by jumping in front of the Yellow Line Metro train. Prompted by a call reporting the incident, a team rushed to the scene from the police control room.
Singh’s identity was confirmed through a call made to his mobile phone, as informed by a senior police officer to PTI. His body has been moved to the mortuary for autopsy, and an investigation is currently underway to ascertain the circumstances leading to his decision.
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The disruption caused by the incident resulted in a temporary suspension of metro services for approximately 15 to 20 minutes, according to a senior official of DMRC.
This tragic occurrence brings to mind a similar incident in June last year, when an unidentified individual reportedly ended their life by jumping in front of a metro train at Noida Sector 52 metro station, situated on the Blue Line of the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation’s corridor.
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