Popular Indian actor Sunit Shetty, in a self-made video released on Monday, has requested Hindus attend ‘Darma Sansad’ in Prayagraj, which is anticipated to start a movement to establish the Sanatan Board. In the video, Shetty stated that the main objective of the Dharma Sansad is the Sanatana Board, which will protect Hindu temples, gurukuls, and gaushalas.
Spiritual leader and Bhagwat Katha orator Devkinanded Thakurji Maharaji is organizing the Dharma Sansad in the ongoing Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj. Formation of the Sanatan Board is the Sansad’s main aim, which will convene on Monday.
“A historic moment awaits at Prayagraj Mahakumbh crores will unite in devotion to the Sanatana Dharma on January 27 under the guidance of… a movement to establish the Sanatan Board,” the actor said.
“We all want the Sanatana Board to be constituted. We are placing a proposal before the government. All Dharmacharyas want the welfare of Sanatana and temples to remain secure—for this Dharma Sansad is about to begin. I am going to see the preparation for the same. People are arriving here in large numbers,” Devkinandan Thakurji Maharaj told a news agency.
Stalwart Indian cine actress and BJP MP Hema Malini also commented on Dharma Sansad as she requested people to attend it in large quantity.
Highlighting the significance of the Sanatan Board, Hema Malini said, “It is a matter of good fortune for all Sanatanis that Mahakumnh is taking place after 144 years in Prayagraj. On 27th January, Dharam Sansad is being organized there under Devaki Nanadan Thakur ji to discuss the formation of the Sanatana Board and protection of Sanatana Dharm,” the BJP MP said.
Notably, Monday’s Sansad is likely to lay the groundwork for the constitution draft of the Sanatan Board
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