Azamgarh: Before the Lok Sabha elections, Bahujan Samaj Party suffered a major setback in Uttar Pradesh. Sangeeta Azad, MP from Lalganj Lok Sabha seat adjacent to Azamgarh district, left BSP and joined BJP on Monday. BJP’s National General Secretary Vinod Tawde inducted Sangeeta Azad into the BJP in the presence of State President Bhupendra Singh Chaudhary and Deputy Chief Minister Brajesh Pathak at the BJP’s central office in New Delhi.
During this time, senior Supreme Court advocate Seema Azad also joined the BJP. State President of BJP Bhupendra Singh Chaudhary welcomed MP Sangeeta Azad into the BJP family and said that India has developed due to the public welfare schemes run under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Also read: Mayawati Hailed SC Judgment Eliminating Electoral Bonds as Essential
The resolution of the Ram Temple construction is being fulfilled. Chaudhary said that by joining our ideology and party, this time become a partner in fulfilling the resolution of crossing 400 seats and moving forward together on the path of service, good governance, and poor welfare.
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