Rajasthan Chief Minister Bhajanlal Sharma announced on Wednesday a major new initiative aimed at boosting the state’s green cover. During the 75th state-level Van Mahotsav held in Gadota, Dudu district, Chief Minister Sharma unveiled the Mukhyamantri Vriksharopan Maha Abhiyan campaign, inspired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision. This ambitious campaign will see the planting of seven crore saplings this year, with a total of 50 crore saplings planned over the next five years.
The Chief Minister emphasized the importance of not only planting these saplings but also ensuring their protection and growth into mature trees. “In Rajasthan, many individuals have made great sacrifices for environmental conservation. The Van Mahotsav stands as a beacon of hope for tree conservation,” Sharma remarked. He noted that the monsoon season is particularly advantageous for planting, as it accelerates the growth of saplings.
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In addition to the large-scale planting initiative, Sharma announced the establishment of ‘Matri Vans’ in each district, where various species of saplings will be cultivated with public participation. To support these efforts, 2,000 ‘Van Mitras’—retired employees who will serve as custodians of the plants—are being appointed.
Deputy Chief Minister Prem Chand Bairwa and Parliamentary Affairs Minister Jogaram Patel also participated in the event, highlighting the collaborative effort behind the campaign.
In a symbolic gesture marking the launch of the ‘Hariyalo Rajasthan Abhiyan,’ Chief Minister Sharma planted a peepal sapling and geo-tagged it using a mobile application to ensure its location is tracked.
This new campaign is expected to significantly enhance Rajasthan’s environmental landscape and engage the community in green initiatives.
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