In view of the Lok Sabha elections, leaders of political parties are making sharp statements one after the other to get an edge over their rivals. Today a video clip of the speech of Rahul Gandhi, the leader of the country’s oldest party Congress, went viral. During a public meeting, Rahul Gandhi, while mentioning the kings and emperors, described the role of Congress Party as important in achieving independence. However, he said something in his speech that now people of Rajput community is furious about.
In the clip of Rahul Gandhi’s speech which is going viral, he is seen saying, “It was the rule of kings and maharajas. He would do whatever he wanted. If someone’s land was needed, they would take it away. The Congress Party and our workers along with the people of the country achieved independence. Brought democracy and got the constitution for the country.”
Rahul Gandhi’s viral video was shared on hundreds of accounts on Twitter last night. Many people targeted the Congress party by tagging it on Twitter handles associated with the Rajput community.
Amit Malviya, social media in-charge of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party at the Centre, tweeted, “Rahul Gandhi should immediately apologize to the Rajput community for this objectionable comment.”
Sharing the video of the Congress MP, a user (@KanchanGupta) wrote, “Rajputs are up in arms against Congress after Rahul Gandhi’s derogatory speech, which has accused him of unspeakable crimes. It is also important to note that Rahul Gandhi is completely unaware that the Constituent Assembly framed the Constitution. This video shows that he (Rahul Gandhi) respects neither history nor facts.”
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