In the aftermath of a security breach during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Punjab last year, seven police officers, including the former Superintendent of Police in Ferozepur district and two DSP-rank officers, now face suspension. The incident occurred on January 5 during a pre-Assembly polls rally, causing a 20-minute delay in the Prime Minister’s convoy on a flyover due to a farmer protest blockade.
While the BJP criticized the then Charanjit Singh Channi government for the lapse, the Congress argued that the Prime Minister’s travel plans were altered last minute. A Supreme Court-appointed committee investigated the breach and held several state officers responsible.
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Under the current AAP-led government led by Bhagwant Mann, Gurbinder Singh, formerly Ferozepur police chief and now Bathinda SP, had already faced suspension. A recent November 22 order named six more officers for disciplinary action, including DSPs Parson Singh and Jagdish Kumar, Inspectors Jatinder Singh and Balwinder Singh, Sub-Inspector Jaswant Singh, and Assistant Sub-Inspector Ramesh Kumar.
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The state home department order specifies that all seven officers will be subject to action under Rule 8 of Punjab Civil Services (Punishment and Appeal) Rules, 1970. Penalties could range from withholding promotions to dismissal from service. The move by the AAP government adds a layer to the political discourse, with the BJP blaming the previous administration, and the Congress asserting last-minute alterations to the Prime Minister’s travel plans.
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