On January 20, 2025, under the instructions of Police Commissioner Gautambudhnagar Smt. Laxmi Singh, a crucial meeting was held with local residents, RWA officials, and maintenance personnel from the Sector-126 police station area. The meeting took place under the guidance of Deputy Commissioner of Police Noida, Shri Rambadan Singh, and the supervision of ADCP Noida, Shri Manish Kumar Mishra, along with ACP-1 Noida, Shri Praveen Kumar Singh.
During the meeting, ACP Praveen Kumar Singh provided necessary guidelines to ensure peace and order in the area. He also took the opportunity to listen to the concerns of local residents and directed the concerned authorities to resolve them promptly.
ACP Singh emphasized the importance of improving security measures within the societies. He specifically instructed residents to install CCTV cameras inside the society premises, appoint security guards, and ensure that tenants residing on rent are properly verified. These measures were outlined to enhance the overall safety and well-being of the community.
The meeting underscored the police department’s commitment to maintaining peace and order while addressing the concerns of the local community. The guidelines provided aim to strengthen security and ensure a safe environment for all residents.
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