Prime Minister Narendra Modi made history today by holding a monumental road show in Patna, Bihar, in preparation for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections of 2024. This marks the first time a Prime Minister has conducted such an event in the capital city. Joined by Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, BJP candidate from Patna Saheb Ravi Shankar Prasad, and Deputy CM Samrat Chaudhary, PM Modi embarked on a two-kilometer journey through the bustling streets.
Throngs of eager supporters gathered along the route, eager to catch a glimpse of their beloved leader. The road show commenced from Bhattacharya turn, winding its way through Peer Mohani, Kadamkuan, Thakurbari Road, Bakarganj, and culminating near Gandhi Maidan, ultimately finishing at Udyog Bhawan.
Amidst the fervent atmosphere, PM Modi expressed his desire to accept a poster from a woman in the crowd, but security concerns prevented him from doing so. Despite this minor setback, the event proceeded smoothly, captivating the hearts of thousands who had gathered.
The extensive security detail for the road show included 3000 police personnel, along with para-military forces, as well as Special Protection Group (SPG) and National Security Guard (NSG) commandos, ensuring the safety of all involved. The two-hour journey symbolized not only the political fervor of the upcoming elections but also the strong connection between the people and their leaders.
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