Prime Minister Narendra Modi took to social media on Thursday to share a video that vividly demonstrates the growing international appreciation of Indian culture. The video, posted on the platform X, shows various cultural performances from around the world, accompanied by Modi’s own caption, “The echo of Indian culture is now heard globally! Wherever I go, I see deep interest and respect for our history and culture. This is truly a proud moment.”
Whenever Prime Minister Modi embarks on a foreign tour, he is presented with numerous opportunities to witness and showcase elements of Indian traditions and culture. These experiences have always filled him with joy and pride, as he sees the global influence of India’s rich heritage. The video he shared on Thursday features a series of performances that highlight the growing popularity of Indian culture in numerous countries.
The video offers a unique look at Indian culture’s reach beyond borders. Audiences in Austria can be seen singing “Vande Mataram,” while in Moscow and Kazan, Russia, enthusiastic groups perform Garba and Dholida dances. In Bhutan, artists sing traditional Indian folk songs for Prime Minister Modi, and in Singapore, a stunning Bharatanatyam performance showcases Indian dance to international audiences. The staging of the Ramayana in both Laos and Brazil further emphasizes the widespread appeal of Indian mythology. At each location, the performers make their presentations even more striking by wearing traditional Indian costumes, providing a powerful and authentic experience for viewers.
Through this post, Prime Minister Modi wanted to convey a message about the growing international presence of Indian culture. Indian traditions are no longer confined to the country’s borders but have become an integral part of global cultural appreciation. Modi’s message was one of pride and inspiration, highlighting that Indian culture is not just our heritage but a source of worldwide admiration and influence. The video provides a compelling visual of how Indian art, music, dance, and mythology continue to touch hearts across the world.
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