Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived at the renowned Vivekananda Rock Memorial in Kanniyakumari, Tamil Nadu, mainland India’s southernmost tip, for a 45-hour meditation session starting Thursday evening. This spiritual retreat marks the conclusion of his campaign for the Lok Sabha elections. PM Modi will meditate at the Dhyan Mandapam, the same location where Swami Vivekananda meditated 131 years ago, from the evening of May 30 until the evening of June 1.
Upon his arrival, the Prime Minister visited the Bhagavathi Amman temple to offer prayers. Dressed in a dhoti and a white shawl, PM Modi prayed and circled the ‘garbhagriha’ (sanctum sanctorum). The temple priests conducted a special ‘arthi’ and presented him with ‘prasad’, including a shawl and a framed photograph of the temple’s presiding deity.
PM Modi often embarks on spiritual retreats at the end of election campaigns. In 2019, he visited Kedarnath, and in 2014, he paid homage at Shivaji’s Pratapgarh.
Also read: Campaigning Wraps Up as PM Embarks on 2-Day Meditation Retreat in Kanniyakumari
The Lok Sabha election, conducted in seven phases starting on April 19, will have its results announced on June 4. PM Modi and the BJP are aiming for a victory surpassing their 2019 performance.
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