Days ahead of the Lok Sabha elections in Karnataka, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a scathing attack on the ruling Congress, blaming them for Bengaluru’s recent water crisis and criticizing their governance. He accused Congress of neglecting the tech hub and transforming it into a “tanker city.” In response, Chief Minister Siddaramaiah questioned Modi’s absence during Karnataka’s floods and droughts, calling into question the sincerity of Modi’s claim to work 24×7 for the people.
PM Modi rallied support for his party, promising to propel India into global leadership across various sectors like green energy, pharma, and electronics. He emphasised his dedication to the country’s progress and pledged to make India a developed nation by 2047. He also highlighted collaborations between the BJP and Janata Dal-Secular to address the aspirations of Karnataka’s people.
Also read: PM Modi Takes Swipe at Sonia Gandhi and Manmohan Singh in Rajasthan: “Chunav Nahi Jeet Sakte”
In contrast, Siddaramaiah criticized the BJP’s handling of farmers’ issues, pointing out discrepancies in central assistance under the PM Kisan Samman Nidhi scheme and accusing the BJP of being anti-farmer. He questioned the Modi government’s commitment to farmers, especially in light of the recent farmers’ protests and the lack of support for Minimum Support Price legislation.
The political exchanges underscored the intensifying competition between the BJP and Congress-JD(S) alliance for Karnataka’s 28 Lok Sabha seats. As the election approaches, rhetoric on governance, development, and farmers’ welfare will likely continue to dominate the discourse.
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