Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan directed officials to action against the land mafia in Ratlam district. Almost 34 victims were given possession of their plots near Suraj Mal Jain Colony of the city on Saturday, who were distressed over not getting possession of their plots for a long time.
After a detailed investigation by the revenue staff to the collector, the real buyers were given possession of the plots. The citizens happily thanked Chief Minister Chouhan after getting their land. Amid CM’s governance and instructions, the victims got justice and they could regain possession of their land.
Taking notes from the investigation, during the period from 1994 onwards, the plots were sold by Ehsan Mukati to various buyers. However, the possession of the plots was not given.
On getting possession of the plot, the beneficiary, Ashish Patidar said that it is the result of the action being taken against the mafia by the Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan that we have got the possession of our plot. He said that we would name our colony after the chief minister.
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