The Yogi government has announced that Maha Kumbh 2025 will not only be a grand spiritual event but will also set new world records, surpassing those achieved during the Kumbh 2019. With an approved budget of Rs 5 crore, the event will promote green energy, cleanliness, and extensive public participation.
In Kumbh 2019, the government spent Rs 3.5 crore on record-setting activities. For Maha Kumbh 2025, this budget has increased to Rs 5 crore. Plans include establishing four new Guinness World Records, with a focus on community engagement. Of the Rs 4.87 crore allocated, Rs 2.25 crore will go towards managing these activities, while Rs 1.62 crore will fund other development works.
In Kumbh 2019, records like the largest bus parade and mass cleanliness drives were set. For 2025, the Yogi government plans to break these records by organizing a parade of 1,000 electric rickshaws, promoting green energy. A new cleanliness drive will aim to involve 15,000 participants, surpassing the previous record of 10,180, sending a strong message of environmental responsibility to the world.
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