Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived at the Lal Bahadur Shastri International Airport in Varanasi on Thursday night. The PM was warmly welcomed by the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Yogi Adityanath accompanied with many other BJP workers. Varanasi is the parliamentary constituency of PM, to which he is on a visit of two days. PM Modi is going to attend a grand program in the holy city to inaugurate Amul Banas Dairy Plant. People of the constituency seem elated as PM Modi is going to launch about Rs.13,202 crore worth of projects in Friday.
The entire city of Banaras is resounding with the slogan of ‘Har Har Modi, Ghar Ghar Modi’. The city seems to be painted in saffron as people all around in the city can be seen wearing clothes in the holy shade of orange. People applauded this initiative of Amul and called it a ‘gift’ that will lead to the empowerment of farmers in the vicinity.
While talking about PM Modi on camera people of Banaras expressed their heart out. A man said, “Modi is such, he did what nobody else could.” While another man compared him to Lord Ram and said that he is ‘Kalyug ke Ram’.
People went on to list what all have PM Modi done for Varanasi. The kind of development that the city has got under his rule is really fascinating. People’s opinion of him is a fair reflection of the same.
Also Read: Former Maharashtra Chief Minister Manohar Joshi Died At The Age Of 86
PM Modi laid foundation stone of the Amul Banas Dairy Plant on 13th of December 2021. It took two years for the project to complete and PM Modi is going to inaugurate it today. The prime motive behind the project was to providea new impetus to the growth of Purvanchal region.
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