Lucknow: On Thursday, Varun Gandhi, a prominent BJP politician, shared a heartfelt letter addressed to the residents of his Lok Sabha constituency, Pilibhit, expressing his unwavering commitment to continue serving them despite not being nominated as a BJP candidate for the upcoming elections. Gandhi, who currently holds the position of MP from Pilibhit, was replaced by Jitin Prasada, a former Congress leader and Uttar Pradesh minister, triggering his decision to reach out directly to the people he has represented.
In the poignant letter, Gandhi reassured the people of Pilibhit that his dedication to them remains steadfast, even if he is not their elected representative. He emphasized his deep-rooted connection with the constituency, pledging to serve them as a son for the rest of his life, with open doors and unwavering support.
Reflecting on his tenure as their representative, Gandhi expressed profound gratitude, describing it as the highest honour of his life. He affirmed his commitment to championing their interests and speaking up for the common citizen, emphasizing that his bond with Pilibhit transcends political affiliations.
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Gandhi’s decision not to contest the election from Pilibhit does not diminish his resolve to advocate for the welfare of its residents. He reiterated his initial motivation to enter politics – to amplify the voices of ordinary citizens – and sought their permission to continue doing so tirelessly.
Amid speculation about his future political moves, it is anticipated that Gandhi will extend his support to his mother, Maneka Gandhi, who is contesting from Sultanpur on a BJP ticket. In response to the BJP’s decision to deny him a ticket, Congress leader Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury alleged bias based on Gandhi’s surname and invited him to join the Congress, a proposition yet to be addressed by Varun Gandhi.
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