In the town of Tamkuhiraj Nagar, Kushinagar, Uttar Pradesh, the lives of three children have taken a challenging turn as they grapple with a severe eye disease. Initially blessed with clear vision for the first five years of their lives, these children suddenly found their eyesight deteriorating without any apparent cause. The gradual loss of vision eventually left them in complete darkness, casting a shadow of despair over a family already burdened by financial struggles.
Desperate to restore his children’s vision, the father sought local treatments, but the severity of the condition led to a referral to AIIMS, Delhi. However, the financial strain on the family reached a breaking point, leaving them unable to afford the necessary medical care.
The plight of this family caught the attention of Bharat Express, and their story was shared through news outlets. In alignment with Bharat Express’s Mission Ujala, Vijay Dubey, the Member of Parliament from Kushinagar, has stepped forward to ensure the children receive treatment at AIIMS. Additionally, financial support has been promised to alleviate the family’s financial burden. Shalabh Mani Tripathi, the BJP MLA from Deoria, has also pledged assistance to the victim’s family.
Also read: Parliament security breach: Court seeks response from Delhi Police on accused’s bail plea
The Chief Medical Officer (CMO) commended Bharat Express for their ‘Mission Ujala’, recognizing the impactful efforts in bringing attention to this family’s struggles and facilitating support for their medical needs. This collective response showcases a glimmer of hope for the visually impaired children in Kushinagar, promising them a brighter future with the aid of compassionate assistance and medical care.
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