The newly appointed Chief Minister of Haryana, Nayab Singh Saini, emerged victorious in the floor test that was scheduled for today, March 13, in Chandigarh. Saini received the support of around 48 MLAs while the remaining were in opposition.
Before the floor test, the Jannayak Janta Party (JJP) issued a three-line whip to 10 of its MLAs. In the whip, the party requested its legislators to “remain positively absent during voting on the confidence motion” in the Haryana Assembly. However, only five MLAs left the house, including Devender Singh Babli, Ram Kumar Gautam, Ishwar Singh, Ram Niwas, and Jogi Ram Sihag. A two-hour discussion took place on the motion.
Haryana State BJP president and MP Nayab Singh was sworn in as the new Chief Minister of Haryana on March 12. The significant development was made after Haryana’s former CM Manohar Lal Khatter and his cabinet colleagues resigned on Tuesday, after the split in the BJP-JJP alliance.
Out of the 91-member state assembly, 41 MLAs are from the BJP. There are 10 MLAs from the JJP, while 30 legislators are from the main opposition Congress. Indian National Lok Dal has only one MLA and seven are independents.
Also Read: Haryana CM Nayab Singh Saini Moves Confidence Motion In Assembly Day After Taking Office
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