Handwritten posters condemning the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) Lok Sabha candidate Rekha Patra have emerged in several locations in Bengal’s Sandeshkhali. Patra, who is allegedly a victim of torture orchestrated by arrested and now-suspended Trinamool leader Shajahan Sheikh and his associates, has been nominated by the BJP for the Basirhat Lok Sabha seat, which encompasses Sandeshkhali. The posters, bearing slogans such as “We don’t want Rekha as a candidate” and “We don’t want Rekha Patra as BJP candidate,” appeared following her nomination announcement.
While the BJP has accused the Trinamool Congress (TMC) of being behind the posters, the ruling party in the state has refuted the claim. Despite not yet formally joining the BJP, local women have expressed satisfaction with Patra’s candidacy, hopeful for representation in their village.
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Patra, known for her vocal activism in Sandeshkhali, played a prominent role in protesting against local issues. She was instrumental in the arrest of Shibu Hazra, a local strongman and associate of Shajahan Sheikh, following her complaint to the police. Additionally, she was part of a group that met Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his visit to Barasat on March 6, where they highlighted the challenges faced by women in the region.
Amit Malviya, the BJP’s Bengal co-incharge, emphasized the need for Mamata Banerjee’s government to address the plight of women like Patra before seeking their votes.
Sandeshkhali, a riverine island in North 24 Parganas district, has been embroiled in controversy over allegations of sexual violence against women and land encroachment by Sheikh and his associates. Sheikh, currently in custody of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) for his involvement in an assault on Enforcement Directorate officers, has been under scrutiny for various criminal activities.
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