Panaji witnessed a devastating collision resulting in the loss of three lives as a speeding luxury car collided with three other cars, a motorcycle, and a scooter. The accident unfolded around 7:30 pm on Sunday at Banastarim village on the Ponda-Panaji national highway, approximately 15 km from the state capital.
According to an official from the Mardol police station, the car, identified as a Mercedes, was being driven by an individual who was allegedly under the influence of alcohol. The car’s reckless speed caused it to collide with three cars, a motorcycle, and a scooter, causing significant damage to all six vehicles involved.
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Tragically, a couple riding the scooter and an individual on the motorcycle lost their lives instantly due to the impact of the collision.
Following the incident, the Mardol police took swift action, apprehending the car’s driver, identified as Paresh A Sinai Sawardekar. A case has been registered against him on charges of culpable homicide, drunken driving, and reckless and negligent driving.
The villagers, initially reluctant to allow the removal of the car responsible for the collision, eventually permitted it to be towed away with the intervention of the police. The incident serves as a tragic reminder of the consequences of reckless driving and the importance of adhering to traffic regulations to prevent such heart-wrenching accidents.
Also Read: Bengaluru Tragedy: Hit-and-Run Claims Two Lives, One Severely Injured
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