In a new initiative aimed at promoting road safety, Gautam Budh Nagar Police Commissioner Smt. Laxmi Singh shared an important message with citizens through a video posted on social media platform ‘X.’ The message, which focuses on the critical need for caution while on the road, encourages everyone to “Be Selfish” in order to save lives.
Traffic Awareness Campaign Launched During Traffic MonthThe Commissioner also stressed the importance of citizens following traffic rules, not only for their own safety but also to set an example for others.
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She encouraged people to inspire their family members and communities to adopt safe road practices.
“Road safety is not just an individual concern; it’s a collective responsibility,” Commissioner Singh noted. “We all must commit to being more cautious and following traffic rules to prevent unnecessary loss of life.”
This awareness message was part of a broader campaign launched during Traffic Month, a time dedicated to reinforcing the importance of road safety. The campaign aims to engage the public in meaningful ways to reduce accidents and foster a culture of responsibility on the roads.
In conclusion, Commissioner Singh’s message was clear: a few moments of careful consideration can save lives. As citizens of Gautam Budh Nagar, let’s take that moment to “Be Selfish” for the sake of road safety.
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