Former Jaunpur MP Dhananjay Singh’s wife and BSP candidate Shrikala Singh orchestrated a chaupal in Maharajganj, Kolhua Kalyanpur of Badlapur assembly constituency on Friday. During this event, besides young men and women, the gathering also showcased the strength of men and women alike. Breaking through barriers of religion and caste, what started with a handful swiftly multiplied into hundreds within minutes.
Even under the scorching summer sun, the crowd showed no signs of dwindling. As the vehicle of BSP candidate and District Panchayat President Shrikala Dhananjay Singh approached the village and locality, within moments, hundreds of individuals, both young and old, gathered. Observing this spectacle, one couldn’t help but wonder whether her influence was greater among women or girls. The unique aspect of her chaupal was the absence of promises; instead, she reiterated her readiness to serve the people 24/7.
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BSP candidate Shrikala Singh emphasized their commitment to transparent work. From marriages to funerals to the treatment of severe illnesses, there’s no room for negligence in the homes of the underprivileged. She asserted that their actions speak louder than words, citing her husband’s efforts in facilitating arrangements for people across various assemblies from Lucknow to BHU.
Shrikala Singh highlighted Mayawati’s continued trust in them, as evidenced by her re-nomination in 2024, following her previous ticket in 2009. Upholding this trust and adhering to Mayawati’s principles, they strive to advance the ideology of “Sarvajan Hitaya-Sarvajan Sukhaay,” inclusively bringing together all sections of society, particularly the oppressed, with unwavering enthusiasm.
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