DMK President and Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin criticized the ruling BJP at the Centre, alleging a lack of achievements during its decade-long rule. In an address during the launch of books written by DMK Treasurer and party MP TR Baalu, Stalin asserted that the BJP had failed to fulfill promises made to the people in the past decade and neglected the needs of Tamil Nadu, even in terms of disaster fund allocation.
Stalin specifically targeted the BJP’s recent inauguration of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya, describing it as an “incomplete” project rushed in “haste” ahead of the upcoming Lok Sabha polls. He accused the BJP of resorting to such tactics due to a lack of substantial achievements to highlight to the public.
Highlighting the discontent among the people, Stalin stated that the BJP’s rule was “crushing” and emphasized the anger prevalent among the populace. He expressed confidence that the electorate would see through the BJP’s attempts to mislead by showcasing the incomplete temple and would deliver a fitting response during the elections.
Referring to purported discussions among opposition INDIA bloc members regarding seat-sharing, Stalin stated that their collective goal was to form a union government that would protect the interests of the country’s people and contribute to the progress of Tamil Nadu. In conclusion, the DMK leader asserted that people would impart a valuable lesson to those engaging in misleading tactics during the electoral process.
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