During the hearing of a defamation case filed by BJP leader Suresh Nakhua, YouTuber Dhruv Rathee submitted a reply through his lawyer. Rathee’s response accuses Nakhua of abusing public figures and manipulating the court to secure a favorable ruling. Nakhua’s defamation suit targets Rathee over a video titled “Godi YouTubers ko mera jawaab.”
In his reply, Rathee pointed to several tweets by Nakhua where the BJP leader allegedly used abusive language against prominent individuals such as Sonia Gandhi, Barkha Dutt, and Suhail Seth. Rathee argues that these tweets demonstrate Nakhua’s pattern of derogatory behavior towards public figures.
The Saket Court in Delhi had issued a summons to Dhruv Rathee on July 19, 2024. At the last hearing, the court ordered Rathee to appear in person. Nakhua’s petition claims that Rathee insulted him by referring to him as a “violent and abusive troll” in his video. The court has directed that summons be sent to Rathee via speed post, courier, and electronic means. The next hearing for the case is set for August 27.
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