In a tragic incident, a 36-year-old man, employed as a manager at Amazon, was fatally shot in Delhi. The police reported that a group of five individuals attacked Harpreet Gill and his friend while they were riding a motorbike near Subhash Vihar in the Bhajanpura area late on Tuesday night. The assailants intercepted them, leading to the unfortunate loss of life.
Tragically, a bullet struck Harpreet in the head, causing his immediate death at the scene. Meanwhile, his friend Govind Singh sustained a bullet wound to his right ear in the same incident.
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Gill held the position of a senior manager at Amazon. His companion, Mr. Singh, aged 32, resides in Bhajanpura and is the proprietor of a local eatery named ‘Hungry Momos.’ Presently, he is undergoing medical treatment at LNJP Hospital.
While traveling on a motorcycle, the duo was confronted by five attackers riding on a scooter and a motorcycle, who then intercepted them and unleashed a barrage of gunfire.
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The suspects involved in the incident are currently evading capture, prompting the police to review footage from nearby CCTV cameras. This effort aims to successfully identify and apprehend the culprits.
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