The Delhi High Court has asked the Tihar Jail Superintendent to respond to Sanjay Singh’s petition. Singh, an AAP Rajya Sabha MP, challenges the decision to block his meeting with Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, who is in Tihar Jail. Singh’s lawyer, Rahul Mehra, argued that Singh, as a sitting MP, should be allowed to meet Kejriwal, despite being a former prisoner. Justice Neena Bansal Krishna is handling the case. The next hearing is set for September 9.
Singh claims the jail authorities are misusing Rule 588 of the Delhi Jail Manual. This rule restricts meetings between prisoners and former inmates without approval. Singh insists this rule is to keep harmful elements away from prisoners, not to block legitimate visits. He also highlighted that Kejriwal’s health is critical. Singh is ready to follow all jail rules and simply wants to check on Kejriwal’s condition. The court gave the jail authorities three days to respond after they initially requested a week.
This petition follows a similar one by AAP MP Sandeep Kumar Pathak. Pathak sought permission to meet Kejriwal in jail. The jail authorities allowed two meetings in April but later denied further requests. They cited violations of jail rules and politically motivated statements made after the meetings. The court has already reserved its order on Pathak’s plea.
Sanjay Singh is also facing charges in the excise policy scam case. The Supreme Court granted him bail on April 2.
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