The Delhi High Court has provided interim relief to nine students from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), who faced suspension over allegations of assault, sexual harassment, and violence during a freshers party on October 22. The students challenged the Chief Proctor’s suspension order, issued on October 25, which also banned them from entering the campus for two semesters.
Justice Purushendra Kumar Kaurav emphasized that the university suspended the students without conducting a hearing. He noted that the expulsion order lacks any indication of a hearing for the affected students. As a result, the court ordered that the students should not be required to vacate their hostel rooms until the next hearing.
The case stems from a joint complaint filed by approximately 47 female students with JNU’s Internal Complaints Committee (ICC). The incident occurred at JNU’s convention center during a freshers party organized by the Centre for the Study of Social Systems (CSSS). Reports suggest that some attendees made gender-discriminatory remarks, leading to a scuffle among the students. The next hearing is scheduled for November 8.
Also Read: Delhi Court Acquits Three Women In Drug Case Due To Lack Of Evidence
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