In a heartfelt farewell ceremony, Delhi High Court honored the departure of two esteemed justices, Sanjeev Sachdeva and V. Kameshwar Rao, who have been transferred to Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka High Courts, respectively. Both justices, who ascended from the Bar in 2013, leave behind a legacy of excellence and integrity in their judicial endeavors.
Acting Chief Justice Manmohan praised the significant contributions of Justices Sachdeva and Rao during their tenure, highlighting their exemplary standards in handling numerous cases. He expressed confidence that their transfer would enrich the legal landscape of Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka High Courts while acknowledging the void their departure would create in Delhi High Court.
The Central Government issued a notification on Wednesday formalizing the transfer, following the recommendation of the Supreme Court Collegium on March 15. With their departure, the count of justices in Delhi High Court reduces to 40, although the sanctioned posts stand at 60.
The farewell ceremony was attended by fellow justices of the High Court, former Supreme Court Justice AK Sikri, and the families and colleagues of Justices Sachdeva and Rao. Reflecting on their experiences as High Court judges, both justices emphasized the diverse representation of legal talent across the nation within Delhi High Court’s bar and bench.
Justice Sachdeva lauded the inclusivity and diversity of the bar, noting that no other advocates’ association could match its breadth and depth.
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