The Delhi High Court has granted relief to Congress spokesperson Dr. Shama Mohammed by ordering the removal of a YouTube video featuring BJP spokesperson Sanju Verma. The court directed the news channel to take down the video, in which Verma allegedly made derogatory comments about Dr. Shama Mohammed. Justice Vikas Mahajan also mandated the deletion of over a dozen tweets from Verma that reportedly damaged Mohammed’s reputation.
The remarks in question included statements such as “stupid woman,” “Shama Mohammed is shameless,” and accusations that she is “not even a doctor” and “a fundamentalist brought up in a madrasa.” The judge noted that these comments appeared derogatory and could potentially harm Mohammed’s image as a national spokesperson for Congress and a dentist by profession. The debate, broadcasted on a news channel, centered around a murder and rape case at RG Kar Hospital in West Bengal.
Justice Mahajan expressed concern over the lack of decorum displayed during the debate. He stated that the comments showed carelessness and a disregard for basic etiquette expected from panelists. The court highlighted the importance of maintaining dignity in public discourse and emphasized that freedom of expression should not infringe upon the rights of others, particularly public figures who work to uphold their image in society.
Also Read: Allahabad High Court Rules Not Every Arrest And Detention Amounts To Custodial Torture
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