Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath attended a deeply spiritual Shrimad Bhagwat Katha in Pratapgarh’s Karmahi village, where he underscored the timeless relevance of the Srimad Bhagwat Mahapuran, describing it as the ‘Moksha Granth’ or the story of liberation.
The event, organized at the residence of former Minister Mahendra Singh, was graced by the presence of several dignitaries, including Jagatguru Swami Shri Raghavacharya Ji Maharaj, who narrated the sacred stories from the revered scripture.
The Chief Minister, who participated in the Katha with profound devotion, emphasized that the Srimad Bhagwat Mahapuran serves as a guide to spiritual freedom and personal enlightenment.
He highlighted that the teachings from this holy text not only provide a path to salvation but also offer valuable wisdom that can help address contemporary social challenges.
As the program unfolded, CM Yogi paid homage to Jagatguru Swami Shri Raghavacharya Ji Maharaj by offering him a shawl and a garland, acknowledging his role as a spiritual guide.
The Chief Minister also honored the legacy of Dr Mahendra Singh’s ancestors with a floral tribute, recognizing their contributions to society.
In his address, Jagatguru Swami Shri Raghavacharya Ji Maharaj praised the Chief Minister’s leadership, noting that Uttar Pradesh is gaining worldwide recognition for its efforts in promoting pilgrimage sites and enhancing the religious significance of Ayodhya.
Meanwhile, he commended CM Yogi’s initiatives in developing Uttar Pradesh into a hub of spiritual tourism, attracting pilgrims from across the globe.
“The Srimad Bhagwat Mahapuran is not just a religious scripture; it is a manual for living a life of righteousness, devotion, and purpose,” CM Yogi said, adding that success in one’s work and contributions to society can also lead to personal liberation, aligning with the ideals presented in the Bhagwat Katha.
Several key figures attended the event, including Deputy Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh Rajendra Shukla, who honored both the Chief Minister and Jagatguru Swami Raghavacharya with shawls.
The gathering also saw the presence of prominent local leaders such as MLAs Rajendra Kumar Maurya and Jeet Lal Patel, BJP District President Ashish Srivastava, former Cabinet Minister Rajendra Pratap Singh, and former MLA Dheeraj Ojha.
Administrative officials, including Prayagraj Division ADG Bhanu Bhaskar, IG Prem Kumar Gautam, and District Magistrate Sanjeev Ranjan, were also in attendance, reflecting the importance of the event.
The gathering served not only as a spiritual occasion but also as a moment of reflection on the cultural and religious heritage of Uttar Pradesh, which is rapidly becoming a significant center for pilgrimage and spiritual tourism under CM Yogi’s leadership.
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